Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unusual Things to Incorporate

As have written before, it has been fun to look through drawers and boxes, picking out things I haven't see for a while.  I save way too much, but I'm so glad.  Here are two daily art pieces putting some unusual items together.  I wonder what other unusual things I'll find.

"Mark Making"
Paper, markers, emery board, glue
"Veiled Planet"
Vinyl background, batik fabric, cloud stamp, organdy ribbon, glue

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Series Class

A new series class started last night. It is a fairly large group with many types of art represented. The schedule will be fast paced with a target of 5 pieces completed in six months.  I have chosen to do studies of pine cones on dyed/painted, heavily quilted background.  I want to take you with me in this exploration.

Daily Art - so far I have been composing my daily art with items from the studio glued into place.  I may move into other mediums in the future.  However, I will catch you up with two more pieces that I have glued together.

Yellow wrinkled tissue paper, candy wrapper, glue
This is very aptly named since it is the piece I did for January 1st, the unwrapping of a new year, and my birthday.
"Faux Weaving"
Corrugated paper, raffia and glue
I have seen several articles recently about thin stripped quilts.  Having been a weaver, I had considered doing a quilt using thin strips and other textured material that would simulate weaving.  I hope to give it a try sometime.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Flashing Past

This piece of daily art is called "Slices of Life".  It reminds me of the windows of a train flashing past in the night.  The titles convey the feeling of grasping or losing pieces of time and the concepts held within that period.  Each of us carries with us slices of remembrance, feelings of joy, sadness, satisfaction - not always connected to the situations which made them.  Sometimes life seems to rush past us so fast we are hard pressed to catch the important things and appreciate them.  So that's enough of that.  I like the piece.  It has the depth of the universe and the speed of thought.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Texture AND Color

This has been so nuch fun, using up scraps, combining texture, shine, color, odd pieces of STUFF.

And I knew there was a reason I kept all the various pieces and parts that I have never found a place to store.  My studio is full and probably always will be.  I have a very hard time throwing things away.  If I can't see the items, they don't get used.  So, they are all pretty much in view, which uses up working space. These daily pieces of art are small and the working space for them is small.  I'm having a blast trying things together that might not work in a large piece -or- trying to figure out how to recreate  a daily piece in a much larger size.

I have some projects I do need to get back to and will have to make some room on my table.  In the mean time, check out this new piece.

"Textured Analogous"
Knit fabric, hard vinyl sample, textured metal, glue

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Good Inspiration

Daily art is a success in our small art group.  We shared our pieces at our Wednesday meeting and were all delighted with and inspired by what had been created.  Each artist had their own style; watercolor and drawing, small sandwich quilts, daily events captured in creative packages with words and images.  This is an idea that hopefully will become a habit, an opportunity to flex our creativity and explore a great many ideas, concepts and techniques with a small amount of time and not a whole lot of real estate.

Here are a couple more of my daily art pieces:

Fabric, Corrugated cardboard and colored metal scraps, glue
(What was once a petal is now a fish)
Fabric, pen and paper zentangle, thread, glue
Our meeting included  receiving the pattern for our group challenge for the Nov/Dec show at the library.  We have a 42x30 inch rectangle with a flattened world globe to use for "Our World" whatever technique, material and concept of our choosing.  I am going to order some Lacey Stiff Stuff and begin to bead my world.  I'll keep you posted.  We are all excited and eager to see how everyone chooses to portray their world.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting Ready for Export (our art meeting that is)

Our Exploratory artist support group will be meeting on Wednesday this week.  I am very excited because we will be getting our challenge pattern at the meeting.  And, I have been copying my daily art pieces to take for a show and tell game.  I have them all cut out of the copy paper and will figure a way to affix them to a flannel fabric.  Then we will see what kind of a pattern can be achieved by rearranging them and viewing them from a distance.  I think it will be fun and it will validate the idea we have suggested for using daily art from the group.

I am particularly fond of two daily pieces that are both white on white.  The texture is superb.  It reminds me of a "This Old House" program using all whites in a Danish Modern kitchen.  Of course, they were not all pure white or of the same material or texture.  The result was very sophisticated and very calming.

The first piece is a mostly white, very textured piece of wallpaper. I have used this paper in another piece.  The base of the piece is a layer of dried latex paint.  The paint dried smooth and flat with a wrinkled scrunched curved edge.  I love the contrast of texture.  The picture does not convey the tactile feeling as much as the original.

"White on White"
The second piece is made of off-white vinyle imitating leather.  I added an organic shape cut from white popped bubble wrap.  Two synthetic materials creating a very organic looking piece.  I love it.
"Synthetic Organism"