Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 New Year's Resolution

If I am going to have a blog to read, I need to publish!  So easy. ha ha!  I decided to do a blog so my friends and family could follow what I am doing creatively.  My creativity has been stuttering and therefore my blog has stuttered as to be non-existent.  I apologize to my readers.  It is my resolution this New Year's eve to be more actively creative and to share my experiments and works of the heart on a more consistent basis.

I have been reading "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  Much to cover and good for the creative soul.  I have not been good about writing morning pages everyday nor doing an art activity once a week.  But, I have learned a lot about myself and my art.

If I was not spending my time creating, between all the other time consuming requirements and enjoyments of life, I really cannot image what I would be doing instead.  I like doing this.  Mixed media art includes everything I enjoy, sewing, quilting, painting, design and I enjoy the challenge of doing it well.  The statistics of doing a really good piece is one in ten.  So, I need to keep working, and sharing.