Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thermal Run Off Series #6

I am finally finishing some of the Thermal Run Off series that  I started last summer.  The wall paper for this blog is from #1 in the series, an acrylic painting with paper and fiber.

Here is #6 - a fiber companion to the acrylic pieces I created in a series class with Heather Thomas.

This is a three layer sandwich finished with rat tail edging and mounted on  black fabric covered stretcher bars.
I used professionally hand dyed fabric, upholstery fabric, acrylic paint, brown knit fabric with metallic threads, and acrylic painted Misty Fuse.  Some areas were padded with batting to provide contour.  Quilting created flow and movement.  The analogous colors are a bit brighter than most of the natural thermal run off, but it is in keeping with the heat of the water.  The metallic paint recreates the light reflection off the moving water and the darker areas portray the slower pooling of debris and decay.


April's Art project

Our monthly art group was given the challenge to pass art forward in random anonymous ways.  We meet Wednesday to share our methods, if the weather holds and allows us an hour's drive time.

I am still working through photo shop elements and spruced up some  pictures of spring flowers taken in our garden and Mom's in past years.  Using white bond and art papers, I made cards to fit some envelopes I have had in a drawer.  I gave them to strangers with no conversation.  Most were addressed "For You" and said "Have a Nice Day" inside.  I have no idea what kind of responses were made.  I hope the recipients smiled.

We have two new members joining our group this month.  I am very happy with our group.   It is comforting, supportive, sharing and motivating.  How good is that?