Friday, January 23, 2015

The undercover story

While the vessels I have constructed to date seem to be sturdy, I believe they can be improved with a few extra steps in construction.

I am still butting the pellon edges together and using a zig- zag stitch.  This maintains a relatively smooth form. I have added a stabilizing strip to each seam. This step does not increase the sewing time by very much and makes the form stronger, less likely to slip or slump.

The lining has been attached at the bottom and top edges holding it in place. This time the fused lining has also been tacked to the form at various points hidden in several seams. The added tacking will help to keep the lining smooth on the inside of the form if the fusing should come loose.  I can call upon my tailoring and clothing construction experience to improve the quality of my vessels.

The more I experiment the more options I find to choose from. I can use batting to soften the form or fuse for a harder look.  I can fold over the top edge or face it on the inside, or use trim to accentuate the line.  The sky is the limit. The undercover story is the foundation for these vessels.  Without good technique in the process of creating the form, the exterior decoration cannot be showcased.

I am very excited about this project. I want it to work into a long term exploration.

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