Sunday, January 3, 2016

All flat surfaces should come to a point

Since my mom passed the end of September, I have been trying to incorporate useful household items, sentimental things, and arts and crafts supplies into my home.  It is not an impossible task but it has been a challenge.  In order to complete the process, making good decisions, items must be unboxed, evaluated, considered and acted upon.  This is a weighty process.  All the easy decisions have already been made.  I am dealing with the 20% that requires courage.  Options include throw away, find a good home, keep ----including find a place in my house --- or put aside for further consideration.

This process requires space, and since I seem to be unable to get past the last two options on the above list, I am running out of flat surfaces. Lack of work spaces is not a good thing. It limits the ability to do daily work, like art.  I am loath to re-box.  That is a step backwards, but may allow me to follow through on daily activities at little more easily.  Until everything has been processed, I am afraid my flat surfaces may have to wait for an archaeological dig.

One of my daughter's friends had made a comment when helping box Mom's things, "all flat surfaces should come to a point".  The saying is now common in our family, since our flat surfaces seem to all be stacked, and may remain that way for quite a while.

Of course, I have been called upon to eliminate some of our "stuff" to make room for Mom's "stuff". My sewing room/studio/junk room has been accused of being over filled.  The accusation is appropriate.  I will not deny I have saved and purchased and saved some more.  You just never know in mixed media when some obscure item may be exactly what you need.  I don't know where I am going in my art today much less 18 months in the future.  However, the evaluation process is now flowing into my "stuff", too.

We are considering installing some new storage into my studio, maybe floor to ceiling cabinets.  Of source, there will be no counters. And if there were, they would all come to a point.


  1. I have experienced the same dilemma and it has been some years since my parents died. As you are aware, I made a shadow box/assemblage of some of Dad's things and 2 more are planned. I am planning to do some changing exhibits in the house to display items. That way I can enjoy and celebrate these treasures and the pleasures they bring to me. I hope any visitors to my home will enjoy them as well.
    As for my own photos etc, I think ahead about whether or not to frame them. Not so much wall space and harder to store. Thank you for the inspiration and validation that you give to me.

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