I am producing-----organization, I hope.
I've taken a week or so to re-organize my studio. The amount of fabric, tools, magazines and books, cardboard, paint, beads and general stuff is much more than my room can hold. I am being ruthless! Ha, ha. But- -I do have several piles of books and magazines and many sewing patterns to share with someone---- anyone? I have pitched scrapes too small to use , bubble wrap, bags, dried up glue, bent pins and some things I'll never use. I think I'll never use. I have found forgotten UFO's, project ideas, and things I couldn't find and therefore bought more. I don't practice just one art form. I dabble!!!!! Where do I put the rolled paper? the flat paper? the pine cones I picked up last month? the paint, the dye? Where do I put the paper towel rolls? the broken eye glasses and the onion skins? I save for future use, even if I have no idea how to use it. How to sort? To categorize or not to categorize? That is the question. I need to separate! I need to combine! I have an empty tub! I have a half filled tub! All my tubs are filled, I'll have to buy more! Will I remember I stored these two types of materials together? Out of sight - out of mind. Oh my! There's not enough room for everything to be in plain sight. I need a step ladder to reach the top two shelves. Maybe in a few days, the table top will be clear again and I will start something new or finish something old. In the mean time, sometimes it's finding treasure and sometimes it's the sad decision to throw something away. Either way, it needs to be done.
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